Do you have a student, parent or teacher looking for creative ideas? This list of 62 projects ideas can be used as a guide for designing activities or projects.

Students become the active agent of learning by creating projects. This list will give you many ideas for creating projects related to any subject. Let us know what you think about these ideas and how they have been applied in your classroom.

Project Ideas

Advertisements: Use advertising to market a product. You can use real or imagined products. This product can be used as a speech assignment or reinforcement of skills in consumer classes.
Album covers: Create artwork for your album. The album cover could relate to a skill like multiplication. If so, it should explain how the skill is used. You might also use the album cover to illustrate a story. Students could also create album covers for natural disasters in science classes. The cover would explain and depict the event.
– Autobiographies. Tell the story. This assignment could help you to learn autobiography and strengthen your writing skills.
– Awards: Create awards to present historical figures, mathematicians and authors with their achievements.
– Create informational banners using banners Students could make timelines of the American Civil War or the Spanish Alphabet.
– Bar Graphs : Create illustrated bars graphs. These can be used as a way to visualize data or show changes in a market.
Write a biography about someone you know. This could be a friend or family member, a historical figure, fictional character, or even a family member.
Blogs: Create blogs to honor historical or literary figures. You can create a blog at for free or have students organize and write articles on white paper if you don’t have access to the internet.
Blueprints – Create floor plans and blueprints for a scene or setting in a novel.
– Boardgames: Create boardgames for students to review course concepts. Answering review questions accurately should be the basis of game play.
– Book Clubs: Students will read a selection from the text or a novel and then have small group discussions about the readings. Students may be asked to make notes or record the discussion in order to evaluate the artifact. The instructor may also approve students who have created discussion questions. This activity can be used to read selections from any subject.
– Make informational booklets with booklets Students have made booklets that show comma rules and the narrator’s viewpoint, genre, figurative languages, and other information. The only thing you need to make booklets is blank printer paper folded in half.
– Make illustrated bookmarks. A bookmark could summarize chapters in the past or provide definitions for difficult vocabulary words.
Brochures are available in tri-fold and bi-fold formats. Informational brochures can be created by students about geographical locations, story settings, or natural events, such as how a tide wave forms or the functioning of the food chain.
– Calendars: Create a calendar listing key dates. This can also be used for historical events, like a battle, or scientific events such as Hurricane Katrina’s path.
Casting calls: Search for actors (fictional, popular, or otherwise) to take on the role of an historical character or story in a movie. Describe which characteristics were taken into consideration in each selection.
– Cheers: Create a cheer to explain a mathematical or scientific process. Alternately cheers could be used to summarize events from a novel and/or historic episode.
– Classified Ads: Create classified ads similar to those in newspapers. It can be a wanted or M4F type advertisement depending on the students’ age. Let students make Craigslist and Ebay listings from the updated concept. Examples of examples include using vocabulary words to introduce characters in dramas, studying historical figures, and studying extinct and endangered animals and plants.
– Coats and Arms: Make a family coat for a fictional character or historical person. This is a great activity to teach symbolism.
– Collages: Create a collage of images that relate to a particular topic. Images can also be printed by hand, printed on a printer, or cut from a newspaper.
They work best with large themes that allow students to maneuver.
– Comic Strips, Books or Comic Strips: Create an illustrated comic strip/book that represents historical events or fictional characters.
Crossword Puzzles – Create crossword puzzles to review definitions for difficult vocabulary words. This puzzle is great for science, math, social studies, and reading.
– Keep a journal of historical events or fictional characters. Also works for characters in stories or survivors from a disaster.
– Dramas: create a play. Students may adapt a story from another source or create their own. You can make plays that are based on any historical event.
Editorials – Share your opinions on hot topics in science and history. Is it possible to reduce the size of the space program? Are current US conflicts a justification for military intervention? Global warming is a concern?
Fables are stories that tell a lesson. Students might make illustrations of their original tales or create dramatic adaptations. These can then be performed by the students. It is a good way to build character.
Flags: Create a flag which represents either a specific country (like Libya), as well as a fictional area (like Narnia). A brief report should accompany this project explaining the meanings of the images and colors on the flags.
Flash Cards: Create flash cards that are useful for review and study. Flash cards are available for all subjects and topics.
– Flowcharts are created by students to represent a mathematical process, natural event or historical event.
– Glossaries for Students: To help students understand large amounts of vocabulary words, it is worth having them create glossaries.
– Hieroglyphics – Create pictures that represent vocabulary terms. Alternately they could use simple pictures to retell historical stories or episodes.
– Identification badges: Make identification cards for characters or persons involved in historical events. Be sure to include all pertinent information on your badges.
Illustrated Quotations: Let students select a meaningful passage from a text. Students should write a brief explanation about the quote, then draw the related images on a piece of blank paper.
Instructions: Create instructions for how to carry out an operation, make a diagram, or start a World War.
Inventions: Design and illustrate your invention to solve a social problem. You can address sociological or environmental issues.
Limericks are limericks that describe historical or scientific discoveries.
– Magazines. Create magazines that cover large units of study like Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and the Industrial Revolution. You can also add images to the publication by drawing or printing them.
– Maps. Create maps based off actual national or geographic boundaries.
– Merit Badges – Create vocabulary merit badges with three to five words per word and an image to represent it.
Movie adaptations: Make a movie of a historical discovery, novel, or scientific discovery. Plan scenes, create dialog, and decide who will take on which roles.
Murals are large drawings of multiple images that connect to one larger idea. A mural depicting the Harlem Renaissance could include images of Langston Hughes and A Countee Cullen. DuBois.
– Myths. Create myths that explain scientific or historical events.
Newscasts provide important information in the form a newscast. A newscast can be recorded or broadcast live.
– Pen-pals – Write letters to or from historical figures, or fictional characters.
– Poems or Raps: Review any topic and write a poem.
– Postcards: Similar to the pen pals assignment, but with illustrations that represent thematic concepts.
– Posters: Create posters to help students review their skills. These posters are often displayed at state exams. If your students make high-quality posters, they may prove to be an invaluable resource.
Questionnaires are used to collect information from students about the topics in a presentation or text.
– Radio Broadcasts. Write a script and broadcast it on radio.
– Reader’s Theatre: Silently perform the events of a story, text or scene with others while someone reads it aloud.
Students need to be allowed to practice acting.
– Recipes. Students may create recipes about how atoms combine and form molecules (H2O), but they can also create events like the French Revolution (or World War I).
– Scrapbooks: Create a scrapbook with your favourite poems and important events starting at ten years.
Skits: Make a short skit about a historical event.
– Slideshows: If students have sufficient computers and access to a projector I recommend they create PowerPoint presentations. Students will be able to create some impressive presentations with little instruction.
– Soundtracks are used to create the soundtrack to a movie version. If you don’t know the song titles, describe the mood or use actual songs. Describe why each song is appropriate for the occasion. It’s a good way to reflect on your mood.
– Stamps, students make commemorative stamps for people.
Storyboards: Create story boards to summarize a story, plan a movie, or present a story.
– Tests – Write a test that will help you to review unit goals. Multiple choice, matching, true, false, or both are possible questions. Answer keys are required.
– Vocabulary Quilts – Create quilts that have badges that represent the meanings of vocabulary words. Badges should be accompanied by a photo and a few lines.
– Websites: Create websites for historical figures, scientists and mathematicians. You can also make websites for scientific theories and historical movements.
– Worksheets: Create review worksheets. You can use worksheets for any topic or subject.
Yearbooks: Make yearbooks that include information about important historical figures or characters.

I hope that this list will be useful for you in developing projects for your kids or students. Thank you for stopping by.


  • markeaton11

    Mark Eaton is a 31-year-old school teacher and blogger. He's been teaching for over 10 years and has been writing about education for the last 4. He has also been a content creator for several years, creating various blog posts and articles about different topics in education. He also teaches online and in person workshops on various aspects of education.

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