A proposal essay is a paper in which the author must select the topic to convince the reader. This can cover anything from education to environment. Finding the issue for the paper’s writer is the hardest thing. The team came up with the best ideas for proposal papers.

25 Great Proposal Paper Topics

As the world becomes more complex, we are beginning to see how the environment affects our well-being. It would be a good idea to write about environmental issues.

– Small things that anyone can do to decrease global warming
– How humans can redistribute more resources efficiently and in an eco-friendly manner
– The Plan to Stop Using Fossil Fuel in the Next Several Decades
How to Avoid Australian Fires?
– How to stop deforestation and rebuild the ecosystem
Global warming: Why is it important? How will it impact humanity?
– How can government encourage people use bicycles on short trips?

Modern people cannot imagine their lives without computers, smartphones, and the internet. It’s a wonderful idea to write a paper on technologies.

– Tips for older generations to use modern technology
Wireless technologies offer sociological and financial advantages.
How can you protect your internet data?
The creative power of modern technology
– Modern technology’s role in modern children’s lives
– Why it is bad to prohibit children from using modern communication methods
– Can GMOs be used to end hunger in the world?
Is it ethical or moral to restrict the internet?

The proposal paper covers the Societal issues as well as the social life in the modern age such:

How safe is education?
– How to lift people out poverty
– Many ways to bring different cultures together in one country
– Social media and mental health
Excessive reliance on the internet.
How can we encourage our idols to make our lives better?
– Assistance for single-parent families

We hope you find the right topics for your proposal in this section.

25 Great Research Ideas

College is all about mastering the art of writing the perfect research paper. It is difficult to choose a topic and start a project. The following issues are some of the most interesting.

– How was China made a superpower?
History of NATO
– The causes of World War I
– How Europe rebuilt itself after World War II?
– Differences between Palestinians, Jews and Israelis
– The Cuban Missile Crisis
– The Medieval religious wars fought between Christians and Muslims.
How was the Eastern Roman Empire able to survive for more than 1000 years?
– The Roman Empire’s economy
How Christianity became Europe’s dominant religion?
– The 100-year-old war between France and England: Causes and consequences
French Revolution Causes and Consequences
– The collapsed Soviet Union

What is the maximum time children can watch TV?
Video games and school performance
– Innovative ways to teach
Test system pros and cons
How to deal effectively with children who are struggling
– Traditional education: Micro-credentials

– Untreated post-traumatic stress disorders can lead to serious consequences
The psychological perspective of the bullies at High School
– Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in the Military
Understanding cognitive psychology is crucial.
– Family and community
– Social media’s impact on human psychology

25 Smart Topics For Arguments

How does hunting impact the environment?
Is the government required to ban plastic products and promote eco-friendly options?
What would it cost to use reusable bags in convenience stores?
How composting helps to conserve the environment
– The Problem with Deforestation

Families and interrelationships:
How to avoid divorce
How has Covid-19 affected family connections?
Is it possible for someone to leave “the friend zone?”
– Signs of an abusive relationship
– Domestic Violence and its Effects on Children
– Family duties
– Teenage Marriages
What influence do families have over their children?
– Interracial adoption and its effects
What does it mean to be the only child of a family?

Technologies play an important role in our daily lives
– How will the nanomachines impact medicine?
– Can vaccines cause autism?
How will the technology impact Gen Z
Cybernetic limbs to replace the human arm: Will they be better?
Virtual Reality: How can it change your daily life?
– What is the secret to kids understanding new technologies better then their parents?
– Do video games have the potential to cause violence in real-life?
What are the differences in digital and traditional books?
Video Games and Education: How Can They Change It?
Parents should be allowed to decide the traits their children will inherit.

25 Interesting Proposal Essay Topics

This section will cover topic ideas for proposal essays.

How to combat childhood obesity
How to encourage healthy habits among your children
– How can we ensure that all citizens have access to good medical care without any additional costs?
How can you reduce the number smokers?
How can you effectively combat illegal drug use?
– How can we reduce drunk driving deaths?

College athletes should be paid salaries How do you balance business, education and athletics?
– Should hunting be prohibited?
– Can players of cybersport be considered athletes?
– Should testosterone be legalized and monetized?
How does physical activity affect our brains and moods?

It is crucial to be cautious when writing proposals essays on this topic.

– Modern values and traditional values
– Is it better to teach the children humility than privilege?
How can the younger generation show respect for the older ones?
– Political Correctness in Modern Culture
– How can America solve the homeless problem?
– How to deal with the modern media’s decline in morality
– How Black Lives Matter for the Future of Culture
– How to encourage tolerance in modern society
– Teenager aggression and morality
How to get morale back on track

– How have the kings of neighboring countries reacted to the female ruler from the past?
– How has communism impacted society?
– Napoleon was a French icon.
– How did the Greeks conquer the Mediterranean?
– What was the reason for Alexander the Great’s conquest?

5 Tips to Write a Proposal Essay

We’ve already provided the topic list for your proposal essay. This section will provide several tips for creating a compelling proposal essay.

– Do extensive research about the topic.
Take a look at different perspectives and brainstorm ideas.
– Do not rely solely on the first draft. Make mistakes and then edit.
– Abide by the arrangement
– Keep the tone consistent throughout.

Writing a proposal essay can take students many days or weeks. Next, students must conduct research, pick the best arguments, draft the piece, and then edit it. This entire process can be time-consuming and complex. A specialist can be hired to assist you in writing the paper. Our writers are academic professionals who will handle your order with expertise.


  • markeaton11

    Mark Eaton is a 31-year-old school teacher and blogger. He's been teaching for over 10 years and has been writing about education for the last 4. He has also been a content creator for several years, creating various blog posts and articles about different topics in education. He also teaches online and in person workshops on various aspects of education.

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