Personal branding is often associated with celebrities, sports stars and other popular figures. However, you already have a personal brand. You need to be aware of this and use it to your advantage. In today’s world, our perception influences what we get.

More than ever before, investing in your personal branding will reap you many rewards. Many people think that branding is the way in which a company or a product is perceived, but it goes much further than perception. Branding is not just a term that can be used interchangeably with impression, goodwill, or reputation. It is much more. Merriam-Webster’s definition is still not sufficient. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines a brand as a group of products made by the same company, all with a common name. Personal branding is not possible if we do not understand the basic concepts of brands. Image and reputation look the same, but are in fact quite different. Your image is how others perceive you. In contrast, a person’s reputation is the impression that others have of them based on how they interact with you. Image is something people can see, while reputation is something they experience. Reputation is determined by your knowledge, whether it’s first-hand or from a second-hand source. When you interact with someone, they may perceive that you are friendly and accommodating. Your image will be reflected in your reputation and this will help you to build your brand.

A personal brand is the delicate blend between an individual’s reputation and image, which can be positive or negative. It affects how others perceive that person. Ideal is for an person to have a positive image as well as a favorable reputation. If either or both are negatives, your personal brand must be re-aligned to your career and personal goals. Your personal brand, whether it is positive or not, can also be unique. However, there may be similarities between yours and others’. Personal brand of the current US president is that he is controversial, confrontational and possesses other qualities. As an individual, it is important to make yourself known. Richard Branson: What do you imagine? This is his brand: initiative, bravery, simplicity. No matter if you’re popular or not, your brand is you. You are what you feel and think about yourself (image). For a successful personal brand you will need to use both online and offline resources. The digital age has changed the way we think about personal brands. Offline resources that are typical include:

Look good all the time. Many people say, “dress as you wish to be addressed.”

Your business card is your calling card. It speaks volumes about you. Invest in high-quality business cards with a good design.

Curriculum Vitae. This is the resume that represents you even when you aren’t there.

Your personal network can help you to distinguish yourself from other people with similar skills and expertise.

Published works – Besides being an author, you can also enhance your brand by being a feature writer or columnist in a magazine or newspaper.

Your personal brand will benefit from your individual achievements.

You will need to put in a lot more effort, but the results are worth it. Online resources that are most commonly used include –

Digital community – this is your online community, including followers, profiles, friends and influencers. The strength of your brand is reflected in the number of friends or followers you have on Facebook. Sports and entertainment stars with high-profile social media accounts and tweets are said to be worth thousands or hundreds of dollars.

Personal blogs: Having a website for yourself can allow you to share valuable information with other people and engage in online conversations. These blogs can eventually become money-making enterprises. A blog is a tool that can reach beyond the local area. Some well-known blogs have a value of hundreds of thousands dollars.

Digital content offers a wide range of options for communicating with your audience: articles, audios, videocasts, podcasts. You can find people who launched their careers with digital content that was posted on social networks in creative fields like entertainment or public speaking. Investing in online and offline resources can be a worthwhile investment, particularly in the long term.

In today’s world, brands and companies are often more valuable than their physical assets or materials. Recent times have seen relatively new social networking and ecommerce sites worth more than brick-and mortar organisations which have existed for decades. Although it may seem unfair, this is the current reality. The benefits of a successful personal brand are not enough. We must convert our personal brand into assets. Assets are anything that can add value, generate revenue or provide other advantages. The benefits of these include but aren’t limited to

You can earn more money or get a higher salary when you are employed. This can help you get promoted at work.

When you have a company, you will get more and better clients. Your brand allows you to charge more than your competitors.

Creating a personal network with people who share your interests, both inside and outside of your profession. Even your network can contribute to the personal brand. Get your hands dirty and start working if you’re serious about building a personal brand. It’s time to start. Allow this to sink in. Then you can take deliberate measures to improve your personal branding rather than damaging it.


  • markeaton11

    Mark Eaton is a 31-year-old school teacher and blogger. He's been teaching for over 10 years and has been writing about education for the last 4. He has also been a content creator for several years, creating various blog posts and articles about different topics in education. He also teaches online and in person workshops on various aspects of education.

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